Aggregate 2022

Aggregate 2022

Things Fall Apart.

Also featuring the works of Brown&Bri and Rebecca Gould

This exhi­bi­tion brought togeth­er the work of 21 artists work­ing across the UK, includ­ing in Cardiff, Belfast, Edin­burgh and Sheffield. Sculp­ture, sound works, tex­tiles, print, writ­ten word, film and instal­la­tion, paint­ing and site-spe­cif­ic inter­ven­tions offer an insight into new approach­es to mak­ing and the most urgent top­ics being con­sid­ered by artists today. 

Con­ver­sa­tions unfold between works that address the indi­vid­ual con­cerns of each artist. Their prac­tices re-imag­ine the world we live in, by inter­ro­gat­ing our cur­rent con­di­tions and con­struct­ing alter­na­tive spaces. Sto­ries are woven, tread­ing the line between fic­tion and real­i­ty, often draw­ing on mythol­o­gy, his­to­ries and archives. The every­day is observed and height­ened, and ordi­nary livesare more close­ly exam­ined, invit­ing moments of con­tem­pla­tion. A num­ber of the artists explore mate­ri­als and land­scapes through a sci­en­tif­ic lens, ques­tion­ing accept­ed sys­tems of knowledge. 

The exhibit­ing artists took part in the Free­lands Artist Pro­gramme 201921.
