Heavy Water Collective and the Sedgwick Museum Cambridge

Sedgwick Museum Collections Research Centre



The Sedg­wick archive, based at the Col­lec­tions Research Cen­tre, hous­es a wide range of mate­ri­als includ­ing exquis­ite 17th cen­tu­ry draw­ings of fos­sils, unique his­toric geo­log­i­cal sketch­es and let­ters from the front­line in World War 1. The archives con­tain over 2000 box­es of irre­place­able records includ­ing papers chart­ing the his­to­ry and devel­op­ment of the Muse­um and the Sedg­wick Club found­ed in 1880 in mem­o­ry of Adam Sedg­wick (18541875), after whom the Muse­um is named.