The Heavy Water Collective is an art collective comprising Victoria Lucas, Maud Haya-Baviera and Joanna Whittle. Our long term artistic research project, established in 2020, responds creatively to traces of history, situating archive-based research in a contemporary context through the production of artworks. Heavy Water takes its name from D2O, a form of water used for the stabilisation of volatile matter. The materiality of Heavy Water is mystical; permeating organic bodies, calming violent creations, grounding and giving weight to something fluid and intangible. It is representative of our processes of investigation and methods of making, developed in response to shared subject matter.
Our collaboration is distinctly curatorial. Artworks developed in parallel by three artists are brought together in configurations that generate new insight that is relational and responsive to the archives and collections investigated. Our recent exhibition at GroundWork Gallery, King Lynn, which ran over summer 2024, is a successful illustration of this working method. Responding to the collections held at the Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences in Cambridge, we have each developed threads of research that, through sustained dialogue, weave a network of meaning between the resulting artworks exhibited.